Category Archives: About the Work


Welcome to 2017!!! A year of new beginnings.

My intuitive art is now on sale at the Divine Mine store , in Calgary, Alberta. What a perfect home for this spiritual and mystical art, coming from the soul.

Here are some of my paintings featured in the store.

Wendy Dudley original spiritual art, on sale at the Divine Mine store, Calgary, Alberta


Wendy Dudley original art at the Divine Mine store in Calgary, Alberta

Los Viejos, the old ones

As a student of the history of mules and donkeys —  the vaqueros, the prospectors, the soldiers and the farmers who relied on these sturdy animals — I was inspired to do this piece while thinking of a bygone era.  But is it truly the past? Not really. In many parts of the world, donkeys and mules continue to toil, often with great burdens and in atrocious conditions. Let us salute these wonderful animals and those who try to improve their working lives.  In this painting, I tried to capture a wistful expression, as if  thinking of the years when the mules and their owner were younger. It is not a sad portrait, just a glimpse of someone who remembers those days when they weren’t so grey with age. His head is held high with pride.  The three of them were a team.


Los Viejos, The Old Ones

Los Viejos, The Old Ones, 12 x 16, $400

Advertorial in Southwest Art


So I ran an ad in the August 2016 issue of Southwest Art Magazine.  It is part of their Women In Art advertorial. Just trying to let the world know I exist.  And what the heck, if you are living in the States, my art is a deal in U.S. currency.  You will be paying a lot less in American bucks than the Canadian prices cited on my website. The Women In Art section is also a free PDF download off the magazine’s website. Go to, click on Free in the menu, and then click on Artists Collections. Women In Art is the second item listed.



Ad in the Women in Art advertorial, August 2016 issue of Southwest Art Magazine

Ad in the Women in Art advertorial, August 2016 issue of Southwest Art Magazine

Artist-in-residence, Owl Painting

As mentioned in my prior blog, I am the artist-in-residence at The Makers Muse Studio in Black Diamond, a gem of a town in the Alberta foothills.   Here is the painting I am currently working on while there.  If you are in the area, drop in, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, between 2:30 and 6 pm., and I will be working on this mystical Great Grey Owl.  Connected to these magnificent owls, I thought it appropriate to title this one, Captain, Oh My Captain.

Captain, Oh My Captain, Original Work In Progress, by Wendy Dudley

Captain, Oh My Captain, Original Work In Progress, by Wendy Dudley

The Makers Muse Studio

Wendy Dudley has started a new gig at The Makers Muse Studio in Black Diamond, Alberta.

The Makers Muse Studio, Black Diamond, Alberta

The Makers Muse Studio, Black Diamond, Alberta

Always worth a drive to the country, Black Diamond is home to a number of art galleries and one-of-a-kind quaint shops. I will the the artist-iin-residence at The Makers Muse Studio for the next three months (through to the end of October 2016). This is a working space for artists, and I have decided to focus on intuitive art during my residency there.  If you are in the area, please drop in. I will be there Tuesdays and Wednesdays, between 2:30 pm and 6 pm. The studio also offers art classes and free drop-ins. Check it out!  Here is some of my working hanging there for sale.

Wendy Dudley Art at The Makers Muse Studio, Black Diamond, Alberta

Wendy Dudley Art at The Makers Muse Studio, Black Diamond, Alberta

Wendy Dudley Painting Demo

Well, it looks like the weather gods and goddesses will co-operate for a great day of action on Saturday, July 23, 2016 in Longview, Alberta, a quaint town in the heart of cowboy country, south of Calgary. This is the town’s Little New York Daze, with artists, craft vendors, a town parade and rodeo. I will be painting at The Lost American Art Gallery and Museum, on main street, from 1 to 3 pm.  I am represented by this gallery, and talk about a great fit. As many of you know, New Mexico is my heart home, and this gallery carries Southwest artifacts, including old-style turquoise jewelry, and museum pottery pieces from Acoma and other pueblos.

Here are some of my pieces hanging in the gallery.

Art, Lost American Art

Three’s A Crowd

Three's A Crowd Original by Wendy Dudley 10 x 12 $325

Three’s A Crowd Original by Wendy Dudley 10 x 12 $325


Who can resist a line of cows? They stop, watch you, and gather along the fence line to check out what you are doing. They make you feel important, as if you are the only thing they see and care about at that precise moment. I was inspired to paint Three’s A Crowd after a herd of cows made my day by lining up for a greeting, as captured in the photo posted with this blog item. If interested in this painting, please use my contact page or email me at

Here's Looking At You, photo by Wendy Dudley

Here’s Looking At You, photo by Wendy Dudley

Moon Meditation

There is a special aspen tree in my valley that I have chosen as my world tree. I greet it each time I go for a walk, always seeing it in a different light and mood. And the changes to its cloak of leaves, as the seasons evolve. One day I placed my palm on its trunk, where it was grey and split, full of seams like the wrinkles of an ancient’s face. The marks of a life well lived. I could feel its pulse, and if I closed my eyes, I would start to rock back and forth on my feet. The next day, there were five green leaflets emerging from the very spot where I placed my hand. A special tree indeed. I have often thought it would be nice to perch in one of its branches, among its lush foliage, and observe the night world. These thoughts inspired this painting.

If interested in this piece, please email me at


Moon Meditation Original by Wendy Dudley 10 x 12 $275

Moon Meditation Original by Wendy Dudley 10 x 12 $275

The Studio Cat

I live in a log home in the foothills of the Alberta Rockies in Western Canada. Further to the south of me, as in much further,  are the mountain ranges of New Mexico. There are regions of New Mexico that remind me of my Canadian home, but still, I am drawn to the high desert county, and the various art and cultures in this Southwest state. So it is not unusual that its colours and themes seep into my work.

The Studio Cat Original by Wendy Dudley 10 x 12 $325

The Studio Cat Original by Wendy Dudley 10 x 12 $325


The feline in this art piece, called The Studio Cat, is modelled on my own orange cat, Kaila. She too often sits in the window, looking out, or if outside, balancing herself on the sill and looking in. If I were to have an adobe home in the Southwest, I imagine it would look like this, with Kaila ever-present in the window. For more information about this piece, or to purchase, please email me at

The High Road Home

I often refer to the state of New Mexico as my second home, or my heart home. Its landscape, lighting, colours and cultures are a stung draw for the creative spirit. When I travel there, I always feel like I am returning to a place I lived in a long time ago. Whether studying the starry night skies of Chaco, scouting about the trails at Ghost Ranch,  touring the northern Hispanic villages, or venturing into Zuni country, my heart pounds with the beauty. Thus, I often honour this in my paintings, as in this one called The High Road Home. For more  information about this piece, or if interested in purchasing it, please contact me at

The High Road Home by Wendy Dudley 12 x 16 $390

The High Road Home by Wendy Dudley 12 x 16 $390